Welcome to Oundle Cruising Club 2025
Our website is designed to be user friendly on computers and also mobile devices.
The site will be updated regularly with OCC forthcoming events together with any EA river warnings.
If you have any useful information, past event pictures that you feel should be included on the site,
please feel free to email me. webmaster@occlub.co.uk.
For further information regarding events, membership or or joining our club,
contact should be made with our membership secretary membershipsec@occlub.co.uk.
Alternatively if you wish to become a member,
this can be achieved online by clicking here
If you wish to visit the club with your boat, see info by clicking here
Please take the time to read our website legals page.
It is agreed by continuing to use our website that you accept them.
Hoping you will find our website useful to you and if so please feel free to share it with your
Facebook friends.So please now enjoy your visit.