
Oundle Cruising Club

Oundle Marina Village ,
Barnwell Road,
Oundle, Peterborough. PE8 5PB
Telephone - 01832 275297
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Price Calculator on the Upper Medway for Power Boats from April 2025

(Non Commercial Craft)

The Environment Agency has published the outcome of its consultation on boat registration charges. After listened to its customers it has decided to continue with the proposed 9% increase for each waterway. There will be an increases of 9% in 2025. To see the "Environment Agency consultation outcomes document" click here.
To see how this will affect you , use the calculator below.

Is your boat's propultion Petrol/Diesel or Electric?

(This calculator is purely for guidance and should not be considered authorised by or the responsibility of any governing body (eg EA) or river association, inluding OCC. Whilst all efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of the calculator, the author assumes no responsibility for its usage or subsequent results.)